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Intelligent water management

Discover a world where water is a valuable source of information  - with smart data worx.

Discover the power of data for intelligent decisions in a changing world.

In a world where water is far more than just a vital element, it is becoming a central source of information. At smart data worx, we recognise that every wave, every drop and every current carries data that is crucial. Our mission is to make this data readable, understandable and usable so that players in the water industry can make the intelligent decisions today that will make the difference tomorrow.

Water management is at a turning point

The ability to respond quickly to change and proactively develop sustainable strategies will determine how well societies can conserve and utilise their water resources in a changing world.
Challenges and opportunities for our future
We are at a critical juncture. Climate change is no longer a distant threat, but an immediate reality that is profoundly affecting our environment and way of life. Extreme weather events such as floods and droughts are becoming more frequent and intense, putting our water infrastructures and communities around the world to the test.
Growing demand for sustainable water use and management
The emotional burden of these changes is immense, as they threaten not only our environment, but also our security and our future. Cities are expanding inexorably and with them the need for sustainable water use and management is increasing. At the same time, regulatory requirements are tightening, pushing many municipalities to their limits. This requires a fundamental shift in the way we view and manage water. We need a new perspective and innovative solutions that go beyond traditional approaches to understand and utilise the complexity and dynamics of water data.
The challenges of climate change are huge, but they also present an opportunity to rethink and redesign our systems.

smart data worx

Source for data-based decisions in water management

Innovative synergy and expertise

smart data worx is the result of a collaboration between AKDB and OOWV. This synergy combines in-depth expertise with innovative technology, giving the dataspace unique expertise. The merger of these two sectors enables new ways of analysing and understanding water data.

State-of-the-art technology  

We use state-of-the-art technologies and IoT sensors to collate information from your diverse data from various sources and turn it into valuable insights. This advanced technology enables precise and reliable analyses, which supports fast and informed decisions in water management.  

Standardised source of knowledge

smart data worx offers a centralised data space where all relevant water data is collected and processed in an understandable way. The use of a digital twin and comprehensive data creates a common understanding of sustainable water management, which significantly improves transparency and efficiency in decision-making.

Data-based decisions

Our Dataspace enables access to precise and comprehensive data, which favours efficient resource allocation and sound, fact-based decisions. By being able to simulate different scenarios and utilise historical data, resources can be optimally planned and allocated. This leads to more efficient water management and makes it possible to better protect the environment.

Transform raw data into clear insights

Efficient use of resources through data-based decisions


water spot 360

water spot 360 is an innovative dataspace that revolutionises water management through cutting-edge technology and IoT sensors. It transforms raw data into valuable insights so that decision-makers can not only react, but also act proactively. The Dataspace serves as a central knowledge hub that provides comprehensive and relevant data. With water spot 360, you can make data-based decisions, allocate resources efficiently and create a shared understanding of sustainable water management.


SubsurfaceViewer is your complete solution for advanced geological analysis and modelling. The platform provides comprehensive tools for creating conceptual geological structural models to enable an accurate understanding of geological conditions. With SubsurfaceViewer, you can develop geological parameter models and analyse data from multiple sources to make informed decisions.

SubsurfaceViewer is your reliable partner for precise geological analyses, from data acquisition to visualisation and modelling.


Climate Manager

Services of general interest go beyond water management. The maintenance and further development of infrastructures and services by companies providing services of general interest are of central importance for economic development, social cohesion and quality of life. The Climate Manager not only supports those responsible in local authorities, companies providing services of general interest and the private sector in the development of climate protection concepts, but also networks information and prepares data for information and public relations work.

Shaping the future of water management: Smart solutions with smart data worx

From climate impact adaptation to AI-supported analyses
Our Dataspace offers comprehensive tools for efficient water management

Climate impact adaptation

Climate change is bringing increasingly frequent and severe weather events that pose major challenges for water management. smart data worx helps you to prepare and adapt. Our platform provides a centralised source of knowledge for proactive adaptation to climate impacts. By being able to simulate scenarios and analyse data effectively, you can future-proof your water infrastructure and minimise risks.

Water resources management

With smart data worx, you can actively tackle the challenges of water management. Whether to avoid waste, adapt to climatic changes or ensure a stable water supply - we give you the tools to manage water efficiently and responsibly.

Smart City & IoT

Smart cities need smart solutions, especially when it comes to water management. smart data worx relies on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to provide smart cities with accurate and connected data. This technology enables efficient monitoring of water resources, optimises infrastructure and provides cities with a basis for data-driven decisions.

Geo Intelligence
Geological information is the key to effective water management. smart data worx combines geo intelligence with advanced data analysis technologies to provide an in-depth understanding of geological structures. Our platform provides you with precise and detailed geological models that form a solid basis for strategic decisions in water management.
Data Science & AI

Our platform uses AI algorithms to recognise patterns in large data sets, predict trends and identify anomalies at an early stage. This AI-powered analysis allows you to anticipate problems before they arise and take proactive action. The result: smarter and more predictive water management that saves both resources and costs.

Data Management & Analytics

Data management and analytics are the basis for well-founded decisions in water management. smart data worx offers you a powerful platform to collect, organise and analyse your data. With our tools, you can create a centralised knowledge base that provides accurate and reliable information for all aspects of water management. Our platform integrates data from different sources and makes it easily accessible and understandable.


Der Klimawandel bringt immer häufigere und schwerwiegendere Wetterereignisse, die die Wasserwirtschaft vor große Herausforderungen stellen. smart data worx hilft Ihnen, sich darauf vorzubereiten und anzupassen. Unsere Plattform bietet eine zentrale Wissensquelle für eine proaktive Anpassung an Klimafolgen. Durch die Möglichkeit, Szenarien zu simulieren und Daten effektiv zu analysieren, können Sie Ihre Wasserinfrastruktur zukunftssicher gestalten und Risiken minimieren.


Mit smart data worx können Sie die Herausforderungen des Wassermanagements aktiv angehen. Ob zur Vermeidung von Verschwendung, zur Anpassung an klimatische Veränderungen oder zur Sicherstellung einer stabilen Wasserversorgung – wir geben Ihnen die Mittel, um Wasser effizient und verantwortungsvoll zu verwalten.

Smart City & IoT

Intelligente Städte benötigen intelligente Lösungen, besonders wenn es um das Wassermanagement geht. smart data worx setzt auf Internet-of-Things (IoT)-Technologien, um Smart Cities mit präzisen und vernetzten Daten zu versorgen. Diese Technologie ermöglicht eine effiziente Überwachung von Wasserressourcen, optimiert die Infrastruktur und bietet den Städten eine Grundlage für datengesteuerte Entscheidungen.

Geo Intelligence

Geologische Informationen sind der Schlüssel für ein effektives Wassermanagement. smart data worx kombiniert Geo Intelligence mit fortschrittlichen Datenanalyse-Technologien, um ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis der geologischen Strukturen zu ermöglichen. Unsere Plattform bietet Ihnen präzise und detaillierte geologische Modelle, die eine solide Grundlage für strategische Entscheidungen im Wassermanagement bilden.

Data Science & KI

Unsere Plattform nutzt KI-Algorithmen, um Muster in großen Datensätzen zu erkennen, Trends vorherzusagen und Anomalien frühzeitig zu identifizieren. Diese KI-gestützte Analyse ermöglicht es Ihnen, Probleme zu antizieren, bevor sie entstehen, und proaktiv Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Das Ergebnis: eine intelligentere und vorausschauendere Wasserwirtschaft, die sowohl Ressourcen als auch Kosten spart.

Data-Management & Analytics

Datenmanagement und Analytik sind die Basis für fundierte Entscheidungen im Wassermanagement. smart data worx bietet Ihnen eine leistungsstarke Plattform, um Ihre Daten zu sammeln, zu organisieren und zu analysieren. Mit unseren Tools können Sie eine zentrale Wissensbasis schaffen, die präzise und zuverlässige Informationen für alle Aspekte des Wassermanagements bereitstellt. Unsere Plattform integriert Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen und macht sie leicht zugänglich und verständlich.

Opinions about smart data worx

Water is the key element in climate impact adaptation. Water makes the difference.

Lars Friebe

Head of Human Resources, Legal, IT and Organisation | OOWV

Water Management 4.0 therefore not only offers solutions to current challenges, but also creates a basis for more resilient, affordable and sustainable water management in our future.

Stephan Bäcker

Head of Water Management Information Department (WQ-WI) | OOWV

Ecologically and economically sensible data solutions save resources, bring speed and enable better decisions based on data facts.

Ralf Pichl

CEO | smart data worx GmbH


Our drive

Our vision is to create a world in which water is not only protected, but also valued as a valuable source of information - a world in which smart data worx is the benchmark for intelligent water management.