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Climate Manager

Regardless of the decision-makers involved, they all have one thing in common:
The need to make decisions based on accurate, reliable and up-to-date information.

Digital twin for water management

In a world where climate change and urbanisation are putting pressure on natural resources, the responsible use of water is becoming a key challenge. The Climate Manager is an innovative solution based on artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to make water management smarter.


Challenges for water management in the 21st century

The water industry in Germany is facing a variety of challenges. We see a common deficiency behind all these different challenges. The lack of availability of an actual data picture. Such a picture is currently only available in fragments and is missing as a basis for day-to-day work..


Digitalisation as the key to the future of water management

This is exactly where the Climate Manager comes in. As a digital twin of water management, the solution creates a holistic, interactive picture for climate adaptation managers. In this working environment, further in-depth questions can now be analysed and answered with the help of forecast and simulation models.


Resource conservation and resilience as guiding principles

The aim of the Climate Manager is to make processes in the water sector more resource-efficient and resilient in the future. Experience-based methods are being developed in close collaboration with recognised experts in order to be able to react flexibly to the challenges of water management.


Water 4.0: The future of water management

In line with the ‘Industry 4.0’ initiative, the water industry is endeavouring to transform itself into cyber-physical systems. The Climate Manager plays a central role in this by enabling the optimal networking of virtual and real water systems. Together, we are developing reference models, identifying use cases for AI and promoting the transfer of knowledge in order to make the water industry fit for the future.

Your advantages

  • Increased efficiency

    By using artificial intelligence, the Climate Manager enables precise modelling and optimisation of production processes, which leads to a significant increase in efficiency in water management.

  • Early warning system for emergencies

    The Climate Manager recognises potential problems at an early stage and enables a rapid response to emergencies such as leaks or contamination, resulting in greater safety and less damage.

  • Conservation of resources

    By implementing resource-saving processes, the Climate Manager actively contributes to environmental protection and helps to optimise water consumption and increase energy efficiency.

  • Future-orientated planning

    With the Climate Manager, water suppliers can plan ahead and react to changes, be it adaptation to climate change, increasing urbanisation or new legal requirements. This enables them to remain competitive and resilient to external influences in the long term.

  • Simple integration

    Thanks to its modular architecture, the Climate Manager can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems. This simplifies implementation and reduces the amount of training and customisation required..

  • Customised adaptations

    The Climate Manager offers flexible customisation options to meet the specific requirements of different customer groups. This ensures that each implementation is optimised to meet individual needs and challenges.

With the Climate Manager, we offer a pioneering solution for the challenges of water management in the 21st century.
Together, we are shaping a future in which the responsible use of water is a matter of course and resources are utilised efficiently.

Fighting climate change together with the Climate Manager

Do you want to prepare your municipality, public organisation or industry for the effects of climate change? Our Dataspace provides you with the tools and analyses you need to identify risks, implement measures and raise public awareness.

Contact us to find out more!